Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holiday Library Hours

Holiday library hours (December 21, 2009 -- January 3, 2010) available now. While Robarts Library will be open in limited hours, EAL will be closed during the holidays.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Upcoming NCC [Japanese] Image Use Protocol Workshop Announcement

Would you like to find out more about obtaining permission for the use of Japanese images in scholarly publications? What are some of the issues and obstacles? Are there any helpful tips?

There will be a workshop to introduce the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources’ Image Use Protocol initiative, which provides basic guidelines for requesting permission for the use of Japanese images in scholarly publications.

January 25, 2010 (Monday)
2 to 4 pm
Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library (by the Tibetan Room)

Final details of the programme will be released in a few weeks. The tentative programme will include:
  • Introduction to the NCC and the IUP initiative (Fabiano R., University of Toronto Libraries)
  • Use of images in Canadian scholarly publications (Suzanne R., University of Toronto Press)
  • Experiences with requesting permission from Japan & or Royal Ontario Museum as image rights’ holder/provider (Jack H., Royal Ontario Museum)
  • Demonstration of the IUP website (Fabiano R., University of Toronto Libraries)
  • Questions and discussion
This workshop is free and open to anyone who has an interest in the use of Japanese images (mainly for academic purposes). Please RSVP by January 15, 2010 (Friday) to Fabiano Rocha, Japan Studies Librarian, at fabiano.rocha@utoronto.ca.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

StatsCan: Earning Gaps Between Immigrants and Non-Immigrants

Statistics Canada released a new study,Quality of Employment in the Canadian Immigrant Labour Market, which highlights the earning gap existent between immigrants and non-immigrants.

Also, two newspaper articles comment on the findings:

Earnings Gap a 'Trouble Trend', The Globe and Mail, November 24, 2009.

Immigrants Trail on Wages and Jobs, Toronto Star, November 24, 2009.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2009 UN Human Development Report Available Now

Human development is a concept "about putting people at the centre of development" and "about people realizing their potential, increasing their choices and enjoying the freedom to lead lives they value". The United Nations Development Program has issued its annual Human Development Reports since 1990 to explore the challenges of poverty, gender, democracy, human rights, cultural liberty, globalization, water scarcity, climate change, etc.

The 2009 Report is now available through the UNDP website. Of particular interest to this blog's readers will be country/region reports of China (ranked 92), Japan (ranked 10), the Republic of Korea (ranked 26) and Hong Kong (ranked 24).

Protecting Intellectual Property in China: A Selected Bibliography

Chinese intellectual property law is a topic that catches increasing attention of researchers and law practitioners.

An article published in the latest Law Library Journal (Vol. 101, Iss. 4), the quarterly publication of the American Association of Law Libraries, lists a number of books, book chapters, law journal articles and internet resources related to the topic.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Directory of Open Access Repositories

The East Asian Library wants to call your attention to the Directory of Open Access Repositories, or OpenDOAR, an authoritative online directory of academic open access repositories.

An institutional digital repository helps to capture, manage, preserve and disseminate the intellectual output created by community members of the host institution. The T-Space, for example, is the multidisciplinary digital repository of the University of Toronto, which "showcases and preserves the scholarly work of U of T faculty". In recent years, as universities and research institutions worldwide invest great efforts in pulling their scholarly works into digital repositories, insititutional/university repositories are quickly arising as an important new model of scholarly communication.

OpenDOAR is a portal of "an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories". It has browse and search functions that allow users to quickly identify specific repositories.

In addition, its 'Search Repository Contents' option makes available a federated search tool by which users can conduct keyword searches at the document level across different repositories.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chinese Educational Mission Connections

Between 1872 and 1875, the Qing government sponsored the Chinese Educational Mission (CEM) which sent a total of 120 Chinese boys to America to receive western education and vocational trainings.

When many of them came back to China later, they became precursors in business fields such as mining and railway construction.

The CEM has been remembered as the first major government-sponsored program of China to send students overseas to acquire western knowledge and technologies.

A website, the CEM Connections, aims to bring this obscured history back to life. It gathers rich bibliographic information about CEM in its Resources page.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Citation Approach Fairer to Academics Outside the Sciences?

An article from the Times Higher Education (THE) website reports about an ongoing European project which is aimed at building a new citation approach that will be fairer in measuring performance in the humaninties and social sciences.

The traditional citation measurement approach involves tallying the number of times an academic article (usually journal articles) has been cited by peers. This method is often critized to be tilted against academics in the fields of humanties and social sciences.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Blog Post on How to Cite Twitter/Tweets, and How to Archive Tweets

The wildly popular Twitter has become an important tool for net surfers to share information. With its popularity, however, come new, important issues such as: a). how to cite 'tweets', and b). how to properly archive the tweets that are valuable to you and keep your ahead above the information 'deluge'.

If you have these or similar questions hanging in your head, you may find this post useful: http://gunther-eysenbach.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-cite-twitter-how-to-cite-tweets.html

By the way, if you are twittering already, you may want to include the East Asian Library into your network :)

In addition, APA also has information on Tweets citations. Please visit the relevant web page.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Information on H1N1 Vaccination

See information in the webpage of the Pandemic Preparedness of UofT:


Asianadian: an Asian Canadian Magazine

Asianadian began publication in the late 1970s and was the first magazine of its time to deal with the social, racial, and cultural issues of Asian Canadians.

According to the magazine blog, publication of the magazine is currently "financially unstable". Contents of some of its back issues are accessible through an Asianadian website affiliated with the University of Washington.

The Asianadian Blog: http://asianadian.blogspot.com/
The Asiandian Website: http://faculty.washington.edu/chanant/asianadian/volumes/

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New York Times: In Chinatown, Sound of the Future Is Mandarin

An article, "In Chinatown, Sound of the Future Is Mandarin", published in Oct. 22, 2009's New York Times reports and analyzes the eclipse of Cantonese and the rise of Mandarin as the major language used in America's Chinatowns.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Resource: 19th Century British Pamphlets

Historical pamphlets are important, but hard-to-find primary sources that shed light on the key political, social, and environmental issues of the period when they were produced.

The JStor collection brings together over 20,000 pamphlets from seven U.K. insitutions, and is of great research value to scholars and students who study the socio-political and economic landscape of the 19th-century Britain. Of course, because of the interwovenness of the relationship between Britain and East Asia (esp. China) during the 19th century, the collection offers rich historical information on topics such as the Opium War, trade issues between Asia and Britain, and so on. Below is a selected list of pamphlets devoted to issues surrounding China, which is used just to showcase the collection's relevance to EAS:

Title:Considerations on the danger of laying open the trade with India and China: including an examination of the objections commonly urged against the East India Company's commercial and financial management.
Source:Bristol Selected Pamphlets,(1812)
Contributor(s): University of Bristol Library
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60248474

Title:Sketch of a voyage to the India and China seas, including Japan and the Pacific islands, for the purposes of commerce,-improvement,-and discovery,-combined
Author(s):Buckingham, James Silk
Source:Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection,(1830)
Contributor(s): The University of Manchester, The John Rylands University Library
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60239304

Title:Chinese monopoly examined.
Author(s):Crawfurd, John
Source:Hume Tracts,(1830)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60213131

Title:Observations on the influence of the East India Company's monopoly on the price and supply of tea, and on the commerce with India, China, etc.
Source:Hume Tracts,(1831)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60211979

Title:A Letter to Lord Althorp, on the China trade: occasioned by an article in the "Edinburgh Review," No. CIV.
Source:Hume Tracts,(1833)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60212123

Title:Lecture on the nature and structure of the Chinese language, delivered at University College
Author(s):Kidd, Samuel
Source:Hume Tracts,(1838)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60213143

Title:Opium crisis: a letter addressed to Charles Elliot, Esq., chief superintendent of the British trade with China
Author(s):American merchant
Source:Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection,(1839)
Contributor(s): The University of Manchester, The John Rylands University Library
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60235738

Title:Opium: the opium trade with China, its effects, etc.
Source:LSE Selected Pamphlets,(1839)
Contributor(s): LSE Library
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60222721

Title:British opium trade with China.
Source:Hume Tracts,(1839)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60212219

Title:A voice for China: which must be heard, demonstrating that the war with China arises out of our British national opium smuggling, and protesting against such war or reprisals, as bringing upon this nation the guilt and punishment of robbery, piracy, and murder! ;to my countrymen, the Government and my Church
Source:Knowsley Pamphlet Collection,(1840)
Contributor(s): University of Liverpool
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60101277

Title:Corrected report of the speech of Sir George Staunton, on Lord Ashley's motion on the China trade, in the House of Commons, April 7, 1840: with an appendix, containing resolutions on the China trade, moved in the House of Commons, June 13, 1833.
Author(s):Staunton, George Thomas
Source:Hume Tracts,(1840)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60212995

Title:A digest of the despatches on China (including those received on the 27th of March): with a connecting narrative and comments.
Source:Bristol Selected Pamphlets,(1840)
Contributor(s): University of Bristol Library
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60244305

Title:The Rupture with China, and its causes, including the opium question, and other important details: in a letter to Lord Viscount Palmerston
Author(s):A Resident in China
Source:Knowsley Pamphlet Collection,(1840)
Contributor(s): University of Liverpool
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60100409

Title:Report on the progress of the culture of the China tea plant in the Himalayas: from 1835 to 1847
Author(s):Royle, J. Forbes (John Forbes)
Source:Hume Tracts,(1849)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60204485

Title:Our policy in China, or, A glance at the past, present, and future of China in its foreign relations and commerce.
Source:Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection,(1858)
Contributor(s): The University of Manchester, The John Rylands University Library
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60232626

Title:The new quarrel in China: a statement drawn from the official documents.
Source:Knowsley Pamphlet Collection,(1859)
Contributor(s): University of Liverpool
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60101251

Title:The Taeping Rebellion in China: its origin, progress, and present condition, in a series of letters ... ; with an appendix
Author(s):Sykes, William Henry
Source:Knowsley Pamphlet Collection,(1863)
Contributor(s): University of Liverpool
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60101364

Title:Our interests in China: a letter to the Right Hon. Earl Russell, K.G.
Author(s):Lay, Horatio N.
Source:Bristol Selected Pamphlets,(1864)
Contributor(s): University of Bristol Library
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60245202

Title:The population and revenue of China
Author(s):Parker, Edward Harper
Source:Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection,(1897)
Contributor(s): The University of Manchester, The John Rylands University Library
Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60237006


How to search the pamphlet collection in JStor:
  • Go to JStor "Advanced Search"
  • Type your search words in the box. You can limit the search in specific fields such as "fullt-text", "item title", "abstract", etc.
  • Click the check box of "Pamphlet" to limit your search to this particular type of materials.
Please contact EAL librarians if you have any questions about the resource.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Database: Foreign Office Files for China -- 1949~1976

The University of Toronto Libraries has recently acquired "Foreign Office Files for China: 1949-1976", a primary source database that makes available the complete British Foreign Office Files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan during 1949 and 1976.

The time coverage (1949-1976) is an immensely critical period in modern Chinese history: 1949 marked the founding of the PRC, and in 1976, Mao Zedong passed away. During the time, Britain was one of the few countries that recognized the Communist China, thus the British Foreign Office Files about China are valuable sources for scholars studying post-1949 China.

The Foreign Office’s reporting includes 3 sections with contents covering:
  • Eye-witness accounts and detailed reports on life in China, 1949-1976.
  • In depth analysis of the Communist Revolution and all the major figures.
  • Material on the Korean War, the Cold War, US relations and the Cultural Revolution.

The database currently makes available files in Section I (1949-1956). Section II and III are scheduled to be released in 2010 and 2011.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Beking University Library Launches Tsung Dao Lee Digital Library (李政道数字图书馆)

Beiking University Library is in the process of digitizing the works by Prof. Li Zhengdao (also known as Prof. Tsung Dao Lee, 李政道), one of the two Nobel prize winners in physics in 1957.

The project is aimed at digitizing all the works by Prof. Li and making them available online in the Tsung Dao Lee Digital Library (李政道数字图书馆). While still under construction, the digital library already includes considerable information by or about Prof. Li and is now open to the pulic. Below is a list of contents already available, and the library's contents will be further extended in future to include more photoes and articles of Prof. Li:

1 Selected Papers Vol.1,844页
2 Selected Papers Vol.2,589页
3 Selected Papers Vol.3,597页
4 Selected Papers Vol.4,848页 
5 李政道科学论文选(上册),1169页
6 李政道科学论文选(下册),1208页
7 粒子物理和场论,691页
8 Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory,879页
9 统计力学,202页
10 对称,不对称和粒子世界,91页
11 Symmetries, Asymmetries, and the world of Particles,90页
12 李政道文录,233页13 李政道文选(科学和人文),432页
14 物理的挑战,68页
15 科学与艺术,161页
16 李政道随笔画选,255页
17 Thirty Years Since Parity Nonconservation,197页
18 宇称不守恒发现之争论解谜(简体版),271页
19 宇称不守恒发现之争论解谜(繁体版),286页
20 宇称不守恒思想突破的产生,273页

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Publications of the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore

The East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore takes it as its mission to "promote academic and policy-oriented research on contemporary China and other East Asian economies".

Its 'Publications' page makes available interesting information on working papers and background briefs related to some of the "hottest" topics about China and the East Asian region.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Network for Chinese Scholars

The Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library wants to call your attention to Anianet( http://www.anianet.com ), a newly launched website aimed at bringing Chinese and western scholars closer together.

Anianet was launched only a few weeks ago, but has already attracted about 3,000 Chinese scholars to sign up and create free profiles detailing their research interest and academic accomplishments. Members can post online their research papers, reports, and other files, and all the information is open and free.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector

A Germany-based NGO, Transparency International (TI), has released its latest annual report on fighting corruption entitled "Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector". It studies in unique detail "the many corruption risks for business, ranging from small entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa to multinationals from Europe and North America".

As about the report's relation to East Asian Studies, there is chapter discussing corporate integrity in China and is complemented by in-depth country reports, including those on China, Japan and South Korea.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

KOFIC's Support Program for Hub-Library for Korean Film Studies

Great news for Korean film lovers!

The Korean Film Council (KOFIC) has selected the University of Toronto Libraries as one of the 2009 participants in its program "Support Program for Hub-Library for Korean Film Studies." This program provides published material related to Korean films as well as Korean film DVDs to major libraries outside Korea in order to support Korean film studies scholars and students.

The donation materials will be delivered to the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library later this year. Once the donation materials arrive, they will greatly enhance UofT scholars and students ability to learn more about Korean cinema.

For more information and questions about this program, please contact Hana Kim at hn.kim@utoronto.ca.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei (雑誌記事索引集成) Free Trial (Sep 28 to Nov 27, 2009)

We are pleased to announce that we have a free trial for the Koseisha's Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei (雑誌記事索引集成 ; Complete [Index] Database for Japanese Magazines and Periodicals from Meiji Era to the Present). The database is based on 120 print volumes of the Cumulative Index to Magazines and Periodicals in the Meiji, Taisho and early Showa periods with over 11 million entries.

The Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei is available at the following URL:

The free trial runs from September 28 through November 27, 2009. We would love to hear from you. Please send your feedback, questions or concerns to Fabiano Takashi Rocha, Japan Studies Librarian, at fabiano.rocha@utoronto.ca.

Enjoy the free trial!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Utamaro Books Interactive

We would like to introduce you to one of the interesting digital projects of the Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge) featuring three titles of picture books (ehon) by Kitagawa Utamaro. The Utamaro Books Interactive allows users to virtually turn the pages of the books, and read translations of the texts with the mouse roll-over function. Enjoy going through the pages of The Insect Book (Ehon Mushi Erami ; 絵本虫撰), The Shell Book (Shiohi no Tsuto ; 潮干のつと), and The Bird Book (Momo Chidori; 百千鳥).

You may access the Utamaro Books Interactive at:

Nichigai MagazinePlus Subscription Cancellation

The access to Nichigai MagazinePlus, Japanese periodical citation index database, is only valid until October 20, 2009. From October 21, 2009, please use the National Diet Library’s Zasshi Kiji Sakuin (雑誌記事索引) as an alternative. The Zasshi Kiji Sakuin is accessible at:


If you have any questions regarding the use of Zasshi Kiji Sakuin, please contact Fabiano Takashi Rocha, Japan Studies Librarian, at fabiano.rocha@utoronto.ca

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chinese Newspapers in Canada

The Chinese-Canadian Genealogy project lists a list of major Chinese newspapers published in Canada. These might be useful resources for Chinese diaspora studies.

References Related to Chinese Newspaper Publication in Canada:

Yang, Tao. (2009). Press, community, and library: A study of the Chinese-language newspapers in North America. Chinese Librarianship: An International Electronic Journal, no. 27, 2009.

Ma, Yan. (1989). Chinese American newspapers and periodicals in the United States. Ethnic Forum, 9(1-2), 100-121.

Ma, Yan. (1999). Chinese-American newspapers and periodicals in the United States: An analysis of a national survey. The Serial Librarian, 35(4), 63-69.

Ma, Yan. (2003). Chinese American newspapers and periodicals in the United States and their web presence. Serial Review, 29(3), 179-198.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Princeton's East Asian Library Digitizes Rare Books on Chinese Medicine

The East Asian Library of Princeton University is in the process to digitize a collection of rare books on Chinese Medicine (URL: http://eastasianlib.princeton.edu/diglib.php) . Full functionality and enhanced navigation of the e-books will only be possible when the project finishes. However, the library gives users preliminary access to the digitized medical texts already available.

The texts are in PDF format. Please also notice that the titles are provided only for personal scholarly use. Any publication, reprint or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Also, several other relevant online resource:

- Contagion, part of Harvard University's Open Collection Program;

- Yale University's Peter Parker Collection which contains paintings of Chinese patients with large tumors or other major deformities;

- and, the UCSF Library’s collection of Japanese woodblock prints that illustrate a variety of health-related topics.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Online Videos on the Art of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Fan Zeng (范曾), a renowned Chinese artist specializing in traditional painting (国画) and calligraphy (书法), talked about how to appreciate the "beauty" of the traditional Chinese arts in a TV program of CCTV (China Central Television) .

In the talks, Mr. Fan compared the oriental artistic 'spirit' with that of the western culture and led the audience to appreciate Chinese arts from the perspective of an artist. His passionate presentations were informative as well as philosophical ....

Fan Zeng: On the Beauty of Chinese Calligraphy -- part 1
Fan Zeng: On the Beauty of Chinese Calligraphy -- part 2

Fan Zeng: On the Beauty of Chinese Traditional Painting -- part 1
Fan Zeng: On the Beauty of Chinese Traditional Painting -- part 2

A Brief Bio of Fan Zeng:

Fan Zeng (1938-) is a master of the "pure-line-drawing" technique. He considers that the "sounds of nature" can only be caught by a spontaneous reaction to what is observed, not a redrawing or a contour outline. He also specializes in "splashed ink" and figure painting. Fan Zeng followed the great painters of the Song dynasty in using simple and vigorous strokes of the brush and dynamic delineation of form.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Elder John Lai's Archives -- 賴永祥長老史料庫

Elder John Lai's Archives (http://www.laijohn.com/Index.htm) is dedicated to the study of the history of Christianity in Taiwan with special emphasis attached to the Presbysterian Church. The resource is of significant research value for the study of early history of Christianity in Taiwan.

Currently, the Archives consist of three parts:
  • the full text of Prof. John Lai’s “Kau-hoe-su-oe” 《教會史話》, a collection of articles on the history of Christianity in Taiwan;
  • scrapbook files compiled by Prof. Lai, which are valuable primary sources used for his writings; and
  • Prof. Lai’s personal bio and family history.

To facilitate user access, the website makes available a search engine at http://www.laijohn.com/contents.htm

Also, the letter of Martha Smalley, a Yale faculty member, helps to shed some light on the background of Prof. Lai's archives project.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chinese TV lectures explaining "The Three-Character Classic (三字经)"

The Three-Character Classic (san zi jing, 三字经) is a Chinese classic text that has traditionally been used for the education of children. Written in triplets of characters, the text enbodies Confucian thoughts and is easy for memorization. For centuries, it had served as the textbook for young children picking up learning and had thus played an important role in maintaining the Confucian tradition in China.

In 百家讲坛 (bai jia jiang tan), a TV program of China Central Television (CCTV), Prof. Qian Wenzhong of Fudan University explains the classic text sentence by sentence. The online vedios of the TV lectures are available here.

Wikipedia: The Three-Character Classic
San zi jing (with the fulltext of San zi jing and its English translation)
San zi jing (text and audio files)

Also, a biography of Prof. Qian Wenzhong:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Free Trial for Japan Knowledge+NR (August 1 to 31, 2009)

We currently have a subscription to Japan Knowledge Classic that includes valuable sources such as Nihon Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, Daihyakka Zensho (Encyclopedia Nipponica), Nihon Jinmei Daijiten, among others.

Japan Knowledge Plus, the new version of Japan Knowledge, will have additional features such as Nihon Kokugo Daijiten 日本国語大辞典 (Nikkoku Online ; standard Japanese language dictionary with over 500.000 entries), as well as Rekishi Chimei Taikei (historical place name dictionary with 200.000 entries) The trial period expires on August 31, 2009 and it can be accessible on-campus at: http://www.jkn21.com/

It would be extremely helpful if you could give us some feedback on this database. Let us know which resources you find most useful. Please feel free to contact Fabiano Takashi Rocha, Japan Studies Librarian by either phone: 416-978-2300 or by email: fabiano.rocha@utoronto.ca with your comments, or if you need any assistance with using the database.

Enjoy the free trial!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

the tag cloud of EastAsianLib @ Delicious

Visit EAL in Delicious: http://delicious.com/EastAsianLib

Wordle: eastasianlib clouds

Monday, June 15, 2009

Trial of China Data Online Available Now!

China Data Online Free Trial Effective (June 15 -- September 15)!

UofT community has showed great interest in China Data Online (CDO), a database that aggregates Chinese statistics, since Dr. Shuming Bau's lecture in EAL last month. Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library has thus arranged a free trial of this database starting from June 15 (today). The trial will last till September 15, and UofT faculty, students and staff will have full access to CDO which covers:

(1) Monthly Statistics

(2) National Statistics

(3) Provincial Statistics

(4) City Statistics

(5) County Statistics

(6) Monthly Industrial Data

(7) Monthly Industrial Data 1999-2002

(8) Yearly Industrial Data

(9) Yearly Industrial Data 1999-2002

(10) Statistics on Map

(11) Provincial Yearbook (2002-)

(12) Provincial Yearbook (-2001)

(13) City Yearbook

(14) National Yearbook

(15) Economic census 2004

(16) Industrial census 1995

(17) Census 1982

(18) Census 1982(10%)

(19) Census 1990

(20) Census 1995(1%)

(21) Province Census 2000

(22) County Census 2000

(23) Census 2005(1%)

(24) Advanced Census Data search

Faculty and students can access the database by searching 'China Data Online' under the E-resources tab in UTL home .

Since UTL hasn't yet purchased this resource, your comments and feedbacks about your CDO experience will be crucial inputs for the library's decision-making in future. Please direct your feedbacks and questions regarding CDO to Lucy Gan by email ( lucy.gan@utoronto.ca ) or by phone ( 416-978-1025 ).

Daoist Studies

Daoist Studies is the website of the Daoist Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion (AAR). It collects resources devoted to Daoism. In particular, its Bibliography section proves a great starting point for scholars and students doing related research.

The Chinese Collection of London Missionary Society Available Online Now!

Just want to relay a post by Ryan Dunch of University of Alberta in FOREASt.

A special collection of over 500 books collected by LMS (London Missionary Society) missionaries in China during the late Qing period has been digitized and made available online.

Most of these books are printed monographs including "Christian tracts and mission publications on scientific topics", as well as non-mission books, manuscript items, Taiping editions, and Japanese editions of missionary publication in Chinese.

The collection can be accessed through the National Library of Austrialia catalog at http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Search/Home?filter[]=pi%3Anla.gen*&lookfor=London+Missionary+Society&type=all .

Friday, June 12, 2009

FOREASt: an online directory to free Internet resources for East Asian Studies

FOREASt (http://foreast.wordpress.com/) is a directory to free Online Resources for East Asian Studies. Compiled by Yang Tao, East Asian librarian at Rutgers University, it aims to facilitate access and utilization of open access online databases as well as e-journals on East Asia-related topics. It's a very useful online reference tool for scholars and students researching on East Asian topics.

EAL is now Twittering!

Visit and follow the EAL Twitter home @ http://twitter.com/EastAsianLib

Through Twitter, we can share information with you timely and conveniently.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June's New Arrival List Available Now!

The Chinese New Arrivals List for June is now available through the EAL website. Books included in the list are available in the library. Check out details by clicking the link below.

EAL Chinese New Arrivals

Monday, May 25, 2009

Naver News Archive Service (Beta)

Naver News Archive Service (Beta): Included 1976 to 1985 Kyŏnghyang Sinmun (京鄕新聞), Tonga Ilbo (東亞日報), and Maeil Kyŏngje (每日經濟) searchable by date, keyword, etc.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sharing Some Selected Articles....

Below is a list of recently published articles authored by UofT faculty ( students, too?). Most of them are related to East Asian Studies in one way or another; some of them are about Asian immigrants studies. I've added full-text links to each title. However, since they are available in UofT proprietary databases, only current UofT faculty and students will be linked to the full text articles.

Arntzen, S. (2008). Japanese women poets: An anthology. Choice, 45(9), 1534-1535.

Brandt, L., & Rawski, T. G. (2008). China's great economic transformation. The China Business Review, 35(6), 30-33.

Cheng, C., Ames, R. T., Shen, V., et al. (2008). Philosophy of xunzi and antonio S. cua. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 35(1)

Clarke, D., Colantonio, A., Rhodes, A., & Escobar, M. (2008). Pathways to suicidality across ethnic groups in canadian adults: The possible role of social stress. Psychological Medicine, 38(3), 419-431.

Cohen, N. J., Lojkasek, M., YaghoubZadeh, Z. , Pugliese, M., & Kiefer, H. (2008). Children adopted from china : A prospective study of their growth and development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines (Print), 49(4), 458-468.

Dann, G. E., & Haddow, N. (2008). Just doing business or doing just business: Google, microsoft, yahoo! and the business of censoring China’s internet. Journal of Business Ethics, 79(3), 219-234.

Dobson, W. (2008). TRANSFORMING EAST ASIA: The evolution of regional economic integration. Pacific Affairs, 81(1), 99-100.

Grendler, P. (2008). Journey to the east: The jesuit mission to china, 1579-1724. Choice, 45(5), 877.

Heyman, G. D., Fu, G., & Lee, K. (2008). Reasoning about the disclosure of success and failure to friends among children in the united states and china. Developmental Psychology, 44(4), 908-918.

Jia, L.X., Schaubroeck, J., & Lam, S. S. K. (2008). Theories of job stress and the role of traditional values : A longitudinal study in china. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(4), 831-848.

Kang, Y., Kenstowicz, M., & Ito, C. (2008). Hybrid loans: A study of english loanwords transmitted to korean via japanese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 17(4), 299-316.

Xue, N. (2008). Labeling chinese predicates with semantic roles. Computational Linguistics, 34(2), 225-255.

Ong, L. (2008). A chinese economic revolution: Rural entrepreneurship in the twentieth century. The China Journal, (60), 181-182.

Phan, M. B., & Luk, C. M. (2008). 'I don't say I have a business in chinatown' : Chinese sub-ethnic relations in toronto's chinatown west. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(2), 294-326.

Ryder, A. G., Yang, J., Zhu, X., et al. (2008). The cultural shaping of depression : Somatic symptoms in china, psychological symptoms in north america? Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1965), 117(2), 300-313.

Sakamoto, I., Wei, Y., & Truong, L. (2008). How do organizations and social policies ‘Acculturate’ to immigrants? accommodating skilled immigrants in canada. American Journal of Community Psychology, 42(3-4), 343-354.

Shiu, H., & Stokes, L. (2008). Buddhist animal release practices: Historic, environmental, public health and economic concerns. Contemporary Buddhism, 9(2), 181-196.

Song, J. (. (2008). The making of 'undeserving' homeless women : A gendered analysis of homeless policy in south korea from 1997 to 2001. Feminist Review, (89), 87-101.

Stewart, M., Anderson, J., Beiser, M., Mwakarimba, E., Neufeld, A., Simich, L., et al. (2008). Multicultural meanings of social support among immigrants and refugees. International Migration, 46(3), 123-159.

Suzuki, M. (2008). Japanese learners' self revisions and peer revisions of their written compositions in english. TESOL Quarterly, 42(2), 209-232.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Open Access Journals Related to Asian Studies

...to continue with the OA topic....

If one is interested in finding OA journals devoted to Asian topics, try the online 'Directory of Open Access Journals', mentioned by Prof. Chan in his article. Just go to 'Find Journals', and run a search for 'Asia', 'China', 'Japan' or 'Korea'. Search results bring up journals such as Asian Ethnology, Asian folklore studies, Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies, to mention just a few. These are free, valuable resources for EAS scholars.

Here are a brief list of some of the OA journals:


China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly
ISSN: 16534212
Subject: Political Science
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University
Country: United States
Language: English
Keywords: China, Central Asia, security politics
Start year: 2005

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
ISSN: 18681026
EISSN: 18684874
Subject: Political Science
Publisher: German Institute of Global and Area Studies, (GIGA)
Country: Germany
Language: English, German
Keywords: China, politics, social science, culture, economics
Start year: 2009

Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao (Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine)
ISSN: 16721977
Subject: Medicine (General)
Publisher: Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine Press
Country: China
Language: Chinese
Keywords: integrative medicine, complementary medicine, alternative medicine, traditional Chinese medicine
Start year: 2003

Chinese Medicine
ISSN: 17498546
Subject: Medicine (General)
Publisher: BioMed Central
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Keywords: herbal medicine, health food, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, energy research, medical education, cultural exchange
Start year: 2006

Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal
ISSN: 10894667
Subject: Library and Information Science
Publisher: Internet Chinese Librarians Club
Country: United States
Language: English
Keywords: library and information science
Start year: 1996

Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences
ISSN: 1013090X
Subject: Library and Information Science --- Computer Science
Publisher: Tamkang University Press
Country: Taiwan
Language: Chinese, English
Keywords: library science, information science, information technology, publishing, book trade Start year: 2003

Journal of Textbook Research
ISSN: 19998856
EISSN: 19998864
Subject: Education
Publisher: National Institute for Compilation and Translation
Country: Taiwan
Language: Chinese
Keywords: textbook development, textbook policy and system, textbook review and approval, teaching materials, schoolbooks
Start year: 2008

Transnational Curriculum Inquiry
ISSN: 14498855 Subject: Education
Publisher: International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies
Country: Canada
Language: English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese
Keywords: curriculum inquiry, globalisation, internationalisation
Start year: 2004

Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies (南方华裔研究杂志)
ISSN: 1834609X
Subject: Multidisciplinary
Publisher: Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora
Country: Australia
Language: English, Mandarin Chinese
Keywords: Southeast Asia, Australasia, southwest Pacific region, migration
Start year: 2007


Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
ISSN: 03041042
Subject: Religion --- Philosophy
Publisher: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Nagoya
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: Japan, religion, East Asia, philosophy
tart year: 1974

Early Modern Japan : an Interdisciplinary Journal
ISSN: 19407947
EISSN: 19407955
Subject: Multidisciplinary
Publisher: Early Modern Japan Network
Country: United States
Language: English
Keywords: pre-modern Japan, Japanese society, Japanese culture, Japanese history
Start year: 1995

Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies
ISSN: 14769158
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: University Sheffield, School of East Asian Studies
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Keywords: Japanese studies, Asian studies, area studies, economy, politics, culture, Japan
Start year: 2001

Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN: 00213551
Subject: Agriculture (General)
Publisher: Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: agriculture
Start year: 1998

Japanese journal of American studies
ISSN: 02883570
Subject: History --- Languages and Literatures
Publisher: Japanese Association for American Studies
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: american studies, history, literature, cultural studies
Start year: 1981

Journal of the Japan Statistical Society
ISSN: 03895602
EISSN: 13486365
Subject: Statistics
Publisher: The Japan Statistical Society
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: statistics
Start year: 2002

The Nonprofit Review
ISSN: 13464116
Subject: Social and Public Welfare
Publisher: Japan NPO Research Association (JANPORA)
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese, English
Keywords: philanthropy, volunteering
Start year: 2001

Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
ISSN: 13460714
EISSN: 13468030
Subject: Computer Science
Publisher: The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: artificial intelligence, computer science
Start year: 2001


Korean Journal of Medical History
ISSN: 1225505X
Subject: Medicine (General)
Publisher: Korean Society for the History of Medicine
Country: Korea
Language: Korean, English
Keywords: medical history, history of Oriental medicine, medical ethics
Start year: 1992


Studies on Asia
ISSN: 15543749
Subject: History
Publisher: Asian Studies Centre, Michigan State University
Country: United States
Language: English
Keywords: asian studies
Start year: 2004

South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal
ISSN: 19606060
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: Centre d’Etudes de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud
Country: France
Language: English
Keywords: social science studies, South Asia, multidisciplinary
Start year: 2007

Folklore Studies
ISSN: 03880370
Subject: Ethnology --- Anthropology
Publisher: Asian Folklore Studies
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: Asia, folklore, ethnology
Start year: 1942
End year: 1962 Continued by Asian folklore studies

Asian folklore studies
ISSN: 03852342
Subject: Anthropology --- Ethnology
Publisher: Asian Folklore Studies
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: Asia, folklore, ethnology
Start year: 1963
End year: 2007
Continued by Asian Ethnology

Asian Ethnology
ISSN: 18826865
Subject: Anthropology
Publisher: Nanzan University
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: Asia, folklore, ethnology, culture
Start year: 2008

Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal
ISSN: 1541244X
Subject: Law
Publisher: University of Hawaii
Country: United States
Language: English
Keywords: law, Asia
Start year: 2000

Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
ISSN: 11762152 Subject: Multidisciplinary
Publisher: University of Auckland
Country: New Zealand
Language: English
Keywords: cultural studies, political studies, art history, psychology, sociology
Start year: 2003

International Journal for Educational Integrity
ISSN: 18332595
Subject: Education
Publisher: Asia Pacific Forum on Educational Integrity
Country: Australia
Language: English
Keywords: educational integrity, plagiarism, cheating, academic integrity, honour codes
Start year: 2005

Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
ISSN: 18681034 Subject: Political Science
Publisher: German Institute of Global and Area Studies, (GIGA)
Country: Germany
Language: German, English
Keywords: politics, social development, Southeast Asia
Start year: 2009

Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy
ISSN: 13473484
Subject: Therapeutics
Publisher: Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists
Country: Japan
Language: English
Keywords: occupational therapy, medicine
Start year: 2001

Open Access Publication

Prof. Leslie Chan (UofT Scarborough), supervisor for the New Media Studies program at the University of Toronto at Scarborough, publishes an article 'Open Access: Promises and Challenges of Scholarship in the Digital Age' in the latest issue of Academic Matters.

In this article, Leslie discusses the background of OA, its implications for universities, academics and libraries, and what actions to take to strengthen OA initiatives. The article also contains practical suggestions for scholars such as the following:

"The Directory of Open Access Repositories lists over 1,300 repositories worldwide, including 44 in Canada, and the number grows at the rate of about 1 new repository a day.[16] Self-archiving is possible because over 60 per cent of traditional publishers already allow authors to post copies of the peer-reviewed final version of their papers to institutional repositories or on their personal web sites[17] If the self-archiving right is not explicit, authors can request permission to do so. However, it is better to know your rights before you submit your paper. The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) recently published an advisory[18] as well as an author addendum[19] that can be used as part of an agreement with publishers to ensure the right to self-archive. "

For scholars who are interested in pursuing OA, Leslie suggested the 'Green Road' (author self-archiving) and the 'Golden Road' (articles published in OA journals).

UofT has set up the T-Space to be used as a self-archiving repository that "showcases and preserves the scholarly work of UofT faculty".

If you need more information about OA resources, use the two online directories to get more inforamtion: the Directory of Open Access Journals, and the Directory of Open Access Repositories. Besides, the Unversity of Cambridge Library compiles an online inforamtion guide for Open Access publishing, which contains discussion of related issues and other useful resources.